Todos nuestras fechas del calendario están planteadas bajo la modalidad virtual, con un instructor, en vivo, dictando los contenidos. No tenemos cursos grabados. También, el alumno podrá tener una participación presencial en el curso calendario coordinando previamente su participación en las salas de Licencias Online.
Course Objectives
By the end of the course, you should be able to meet the following objectives:
• Use vSphere Web Client, the command-line interface, and logs to diagnose and resolve problems in the vSphere environment
• Introduce troubleshooting principles and procedures
• Troubleshoot networking issues and recover from these issues
• Analyze storage failure scenarios and resolve the issues
• Troubleshoot vSphere cluster failure scenarios and analyze possible causes
• Diagnose common VMware vSphere® High Availability issues and provide solutions
• Troubleshoot problems related to virtual machine migration (VMware vSphere® vMotion®) and improve resource use (VMware vSphere® Distributed Resource Scheduler™)
• Troubleshoot vCenter Server issues
• Identify ESXi host issues, analyze failure scenarios, and correct them
• Troubleshoot faulty virtual machines, including installation issues, snapshot issues, connection issues, and more
Course Objectives
By the end of the course, you should be able to meet the following objectives:
• Configure and manage VMware ESXi™ networking and storage for a large and sophisticated enterprise
• Use VMware vSphere® Client™, VMware vSphere® Web Client, and VMware vSphere® ESXi™ Shell to manage vSphere
• Use VMware vSphere® Auto Deploy™ and host profiles to provision ESXi hosts
• Optimize the performance of all vSphere components
• Use VMware vRealize® Log Insight™ to monitor system logs
• Deploy VMware vCenter® Server Appliance™ to be highly available and optimized for performance
• Migrate a Windows vCenter Server system to vCenter Server Appliance 6.5
• Harden the vSphere environment against security threats
• Encrypt virtual machines for additional security
Target Audience
• Experienced system administrators, system engineers, and system integrators
This course requires completion of one of the following prerequisites:
• Understanding of concepts presented in the VMware vSphere: Install, Configure, Manage [V6.5] course
• Equivalent knowledge and administration experience with ESXi and vCenter Server
Experience with working at the command prompt is highly recommended.
This course prepares you for the following certification:
• VMware Certified Professional 6.5 – Data Center Virtualization (VCP6.5-DCV)
Garantía de Licencias Online:
Todas las fechas del calendario publicado son tentativas y serán confirmadas una vez logrado el quorum mínimo de 5 alumnos, asimismo Licencias Online ofrece a sus clientes 2 tipos de garantías de ejecución y entendimiento:
1) De Ejecución: Los cursos ya comprados por sus alumnos no podrán reprogramarse más de 3 veces por falta de quorum. En caso de no contar con el quorum mínimo necesario, Licencias Online ejecutara el curso para brindar el servicio esperado por sus clientes.
2) De Entendimiento: Licencias Online permitirá volver a participar del curso a todo alumno que por causas de fuerza mayor no hubiera podido asistir al curso o haya tenido que ausentarse a algunas horas.