Privacy Policy

Privacy policy and treatment of information

Through our privacy policy we inform you of the proper conditions of use on this site.
The use of this implies your full and unreserved acceptance of each and every one of the provisions included in this Legal Notice, so if you do not agree with any of the conditions established herein, you should not use and/or access this site.
We reserve the right to modify this Privacy Statement at any time. Your continued use of any portion of this site following notification or posting of such changes will constitute your acceptance of such changes.

Cookies and similar technologies

This site makes use of cookies, which are small data files that are generated on your computer, which sends information without providing references that allow deducing personal data. The goal is to be able to provide you with a personalized web experience so that the advertising you see about our services is relevant.
You can configure your browser to notify and reject the installation of cookies sent by this site, without affecting the possibility of accessing the contents. However, we are not responsible for the fact that their deactivation prevents the proper functioning of the site.

Click here to modify your online advertisement preferences.

Other information we collect

When contacting us, we will ask you to fill out a form with some personal information in order to provide you with a more agile and efficient service. Among the information you must provide us is your e-mail address, contact telephone number, name, company and country.
All this information is used by us to personalize your user experience, improve the website and enhance our customer service. We use analytics systems on the site to study our users' preferences, demographics, traffic patterns, and other information in the aggregate to better understand who our audience is and what they need. Tracking our users' preferences also helps us show you the most relevant ads.

How do we use your personal information?

All the information that you provide will only be used by us to inform you of updates, news and promotions about our company and the products that we market under any of the modalities. All this data may be used for the following purposes:

  • For the administration of the Website in which the user enters to explore the offers and promotions provided by Licencias OnLine.
  • To complement the information and, in general, carry out the necessary activities to manage the requests, complaints and claims presented by customers or users of OnLine Licenses and by third parties, and direct them to the areas responsible for issuing the corresponding responses.< /li>
  • To send information, invitations to events and commercial offers for Licencias OnLine products, as well as to carry out marketing and/or commercialization activities of services and/or products that Licencias OnLine provides or could provide or offer.
  • The personalization of clients in order to make them participate in the different benefit programs and promotional information.
  • Prepare market studies, statistics, surveys, analysis of market trends, satisfaction surveys on the services provided by Licencias OnLine.

How do we protect the information we collect?

All information we request from you is stored securely and confidentially and is only accessible by a limited number of authorized persons. Our networks through which web traffic transits, as well as the servers in which all personal data shared by users are stored, are protected with the highest security standards.
User data will only be processed by OnLine Licenses in the manner established in this policy. Licensing OnLine is committed to doing everything in its power to protect the privacy of information.
OnLine Licensing acknowledges that if the information is intercepted by unauthorized third parties breaching our security measures to protect the information, it will not be liable for such disclosure of information. In such a case, users will be notified via e-mail and within the site during the following 7 business days after the incident occurred.

Communication preferences

You can stop future e-mail messages promoting Licencias OnLine sites and services by following the specific instructions included in the e-mail you receive. Depending on the service in question, you may also have the option to proactively make choices about receiving emails, phone calls and specific Licensing OnLine services.


If you have any questions regarding these privacy policies you may contact us at