Privacy Policy

Privacy Notice

I. In compliance with the provisions of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Individuals (hereinafter the "Law"), through this Privacy Notice (hereinafter the "Notice"), it is made to your knowledge the following: LICENCIAS ON LINE MEXICO SA DE CV and/or any of its subsidiaries, with address at Montecito 38 WTC, Piso 21 Of. 4 and 5, Naples, C.P. 03810, is responsible for the treatment (treatment is understood as indicated in article 3 section XVIII of the "Law") of personal data, even sensitive, financial and patrimonial, (hereinafter the "Data") that They are provided by natural persons, that is, their clients, suppliers, employees, and/or any person from whom data is collected (hereinafter the "Owner") and this is not for the purpose of personal use.< br /> The "Data" can be collected personally, as well as those obtained through our website and/or by any other means permitted by the "Law".

II. The purpose of the processing of the "Data" will be limited to: (i) The submission of employment applications by any means and, if applicable, the obtaining of employment due to vacancy; (ii) Any procedure that due to any obligation must be carried out before the Mexican Social Security Institute, (IMSS), the National Workers' Housing Fund Institute (INFONAVIT), Tax Administration Service (SAT), National Fund for Workers' Consumption (FONACOT) and/or any other governmental agency; (iii) Granting of credits and/or loans; (iv) Promotion of newly created products; (v) Delivery and/or reception of product; (vi) Participation in offers and/or promotions; (vii) Invitations to educational, sporting, social, cultural or any other similar events; (viii) Customer service; (ix) Sending advertising through any media; (x) Market research; (xi) Entering into contractual relationships or agreements in accordance with the legislation in force in Mexico; (xii) Recording information in employee and/or corporate books in accordance with the Federal Labor Law and the General Law of Commercial Companies, respectively; (xiii) Any other similar to the above.

III. In the event that "Licencias OnLine" intends to give a different purpose to the one indicated in the "Notice" that is not compatible or analogous with the ones described above, the "Holder" will be informed and/or in its case will be requested its consent, for the exercise of the new purpose, informing the date in which the change(s) will take effect, being able to use any of the following means: (i) Personally through a written document; (ii) Through our website www.; (iii) By any other means permitted by law.

IV. The "Data" that "Licencias OnLine" has or that are collected at this moment or subsequently to the same are and will be duly safeguarded, conserved and protected by the Department of Protection of Personal Data of "Licencias OnLine" (hereinafter the "Department") during the time of the treatment, having only the access to them by the members of the same and other personnel duly authorized by means of a confidentiality manifest, who together have at their disposal physical and technological means for the purpose of preventing its loss, misuse, alteration, disclosure and theft.

V. With the present subscription of the "Notice" you accept and grant your express consent for the transfer of the data in an enunciative way but not limited to affiliates and/or subsidiaries, and national or foreign third parties, whether they are individuals or legal entities that have a contractual legal relationship with "Licencias OnLine", pointing out that consent will not be required to make the necessary transfer(s) when any of the assumptions of article 37 of the "Law" is present.

VI. El “Titular” de la información por su propio derecho o a través de su representante a partir del día 06 de enero de 2012 podrá solicitar el Acceso, Rectificación, Cancelación u Oposición (en lo sucesivo “Derechos ARCO”) de los “Datos”, por cualquiera de los siguientes medios:
(i) Mediante solicitud escrita dirigida genéricamente al “Departamento” de “Licencias OnLine”, al siguiente domicilio: Montecito 38 WTC, Piso 21 Of. 4 y 5, Nápoles, C.P. 03810, de las 9:00 a las 18:00 horas, en días hábiles.
(ii) Por medio de solicitud escrita enviada al correo electrónico, de las 9:00 a las 18:00 horas, en días hábiles.
Las solicitudes que se presenten deberán reunir los requisitos del artículo 29 de la “Ley”, es decir, (i) El nombre del titular y domicilio u otro medio para comunicarle la respuesta a su solicitud; (ii) Los documentos que acrediten la identidad o, en su caso, la representación legal del titular; (iii) La descripción clara y precisa de los “Datos” respecto de los que se busca ejercer alguno de los derechos antes mencionados, y; (iv) Cualquier otro elemento o documento que facilite la localización de los “Datos”. Después del trámite necesario el responsable a través del “Departamento” comunicará al “Titular” la determinación tomada en los plazos previstos por el artículo 32 del mismo ordenamiento.
En caso de que el “Titular” no reciba respuesta dentro del término señalado en el párrafo que antecede y/o no se encuentre conforme con la determinación que le haya sido proporcionada, o bien considere que existió alguna violación a sus “Derechos ARCO” en términos de la “Ley” podrá interponer queja o denuncia correspondiente ante el Instituto Federal de Acceso a la Información y Protección de Datos (IFAI).