ISV Royalty Licensing Program from Microsoft

ISV Royalty Logo

The Independent Software Vendor (ISV) Royalty Licensing Program offers independent software vendors (ISVs) a convenient way to license Microsoft® products and integrate them into a software business application. ISVs then replicate the business solution and distribute a fully licensed solution to their end users.

The Royalty Licensing Program offers independent software vendors (ISVs) a convenient way to license Microsoft® products and integrate them into a software business application. ISVs then replicate the business solution and distribute a fully licensed solution to their end users.

An ISV can integrate Microsoft licensed products into their solution by including one or more Microsoft licensed products along with the ISV’s software for their Unified Solution and by distributing through either of the following:

  • Copying onto physical media, which is labeled and packaged as the ISV’s Unified Solution.
  • Pre-installing, by the ISV, on a computer system for distribution as part of the ISV’s Unified Solution.
  • Applying the magnetic media or directly to Microsoft to send it to your customer.

Contracting: Program Requirements

The following are the requirements for participating in the ISV Royalty Licensing Program:

  • Develop a Unified Solution: Develop a value-added Unified Solution that uses Products and adds primary and significant functionality to those Products, and distribute the Unified Solution in a tangible media format. A Unified Solution is the software product that you license to your users that includes one or more Microsoft products and may include third-party software.
  • Provide technical support: You are responsible for providing technical product support to your users for the Products included in the Unified Solution either yourself or by obtaining and continuously maintaining support through Microsoft or a third-party technical product support company.
  • Join the Microsoft Partner Network: Enroll and maintain status as a member of the Microsoft Partner Network at any level (Community, Subscriber, Competency, or Advanced Competency).
  • Comply with the Microsoft license terms: Incorporate any applicable Microsoft license terms into the End Customer Agreement for the Unified Solution.
  • Complete and sign the ISV Royalty contract: Complete the Microsoft ISV Royalty License and Distribution Agreement and Microsoft Business and Services Agreement (MBSA) if you do not already have one in place. For more information, contact

Some of the products available under ISV's contract

  • Microsoft Dynamics™ CRM
  • Microsoft Excel
  • Microsoft Exchange Server
  • Microsoft Forefront
  • Microsoft SharePoint
  • Microsoft ISA Server
  • Microsoft Office
  • Microsoft Visio
  • Microsoft Visual Studio

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How long does the approval take?
  • How do I pay the licenses?

Licencias OnLine
Licencias de Software

Cloud Solutions & Software Licenses

Soluciones Cloud

Cloud solutions

Cursos y Capacitaciones

Courses and Trainings
