A10 Networks Thunder TPS - Licencias OnLine

A10 Networks Thunder TPS

The Thunder TPS product line is a family of high-performance devices that detect and mitigate multi-vector DDoS attacks at the network edge, operating as the first line of defense for your network infrastructure.

The line A10 Networks® Thunder TPS™ product from Threat Protection Systems provides high-performance, network-wide protection against distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks, and enables service availability against a large variety of volumetric and protocol attacks, and more sophisticated application layer attacks.
The Thunder TPS product line is built on the platform of our Advanced Core Operating System (ACOS®), with Symmetric Processing software architecture A10 Scalable Multi-Core (SSMP) which provides high performance and relies on a shared memory architecture to provide efficient monitoring of network flows, as well as precise protection against DDoS attacks for service providers, operators of websites and companies.

Multi-level DDoS protection for service availability:
Thunder TPS provides deep traffic visibility to identify anomalies across the entire traffic spectrum, and protects against multiple classes of attack vectors, including volumetric attacks, protocol attacks, and sophisticated level attacks. of application, which are detected and mitigated to prevent a certain service from becoming available. The system has an extensive set of protocol and application checks and a wide range of authentication methods to verify whether client communications are valid, or whether the traffic is coming from botnets programmed for this purpose.

High performance against the increasing scale of attacks:
Thunder TPS ensures that deal with larger DDoS attacks effectively. Select Thunder TPS models feature a Security and Policy Engine (SPE) to enforce security policies at high speed. Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) hardware is used to immediately detect and mitigate more than 50 common network attack vectors.

Flexibility for customization and extensive network integration capabilities:
Thunder TPS allows integration with your custom or third-party detection solutions. Information such as logs and network statistics can be shared at high speeds, using common standards. The programmable policy engine enables complete detection and mitigation using TCL-based aFleX® technology, or employing regex (regular expression) pattern matching filters and Berkeley Packet Filter (BPF) for deep packet inspection ( DPI).

Architecture and Key Components

The images are only illustrative.

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