N-able Take Control - Licencias OnLine

N-able Take Control

IT process and task management

Take Control is a tool created to help provide customer service through fast, intuitive remote support on any platform. This solution provides access to intuitive diagnostic tools while simultaneously connecting to other devices in a matter of seconds.
This software was designed to enable rapid adaptation to your IT team's workflows, as well as the client's budget.

Main advantages of this solution

  • Blow through your to-do list with fast and powerful remote technical support:
    When customers have a problem, they want it resolved quickly. Your technicians don't have time to wait for your remote support tools to come online. Take Control is designed to offer fast connection speeds and agile diagnostic tools, helping customers resolve issues quickly, allowing them to continue with their daily routine.
  • Customize Take Control to your taste and need:
    Although Take Control has been developed to allow you to get up and running right out of the box, you also have the ability to configure it so that suits your needs. For starters, the system allows you to include customizable branded content to make your business memorable to your customers. Plus, with Take Control you can streamline your support operations by setting up workflows and customizing reports to suit your business.
  • The information you need in high resolution:
    If your remote support software does not support high-resolution monitors or if the remote viewer has limited functionality, Technicians may not be able to work at maximum productivity. Take Control is designed to provide maximum visibility into devices and their associated technical information. It is also created to help managers monitor quality by searching chat transcripts and full session recordings.
  • Provide customers with secure technical support:
    Take Control is designed to ensure the security of user data through advanced encryption protocols, support for authentication two-factor and multi-level permissions, as well as using an optional automatic PIN and clearing the clipboard after each session. In short, Take Control has been developed to help you gain the trust of your customers.

The images are only illustrative.

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