Become a Partner of Licencias OnLine, gain access to benefits and secure great profit margins.
We are the leading wholesale distributors of added value software and security solutions in Latin America. We are 100% concerned with software licenses and security solutions. We are at the forefront of the Latin American software market, delivering high quality services and state-of-the-art technology to a network of over 4500 specialized resellers who run corporations, small and medium enterprises, government organizations and educational institutions. Being a key link in technology distribution, we create business opportunities for providers and resellers through unique marketing programs, pre- and after-sales consultancy customized for your needs, financial services, and ongoing solution and technology training.
We understand the complexity involved in making business with different cultures, currencies and legislations, which is why we have regional branches and/or local sales representatives in each and every one of the territories where we operate: Chile, Argentina, Colombia, México, Perú, Ecuador, Uruguay, Bolivia, Paraguay, Centro América, the Caribbean and Venezuela.
Our goal is to generate sustained and scalable growth to keep up with the fast-paced IT market. An infrastructure of over 26900 square feet and a staff of 200 employees (all of whom are innovation- and optimization-driven in our operations) make it possible.
It is diversification that has allowed us to maintain a sustainable commercial model over the years. We achieved this by creating local service centers in various countries, by constantly expanding our client portfolio and by broadening the range of available solutions. The fact that this is such a fast-paced industry has forced us to integrate new technologies, such as virtualization, consolidation of consumption devices within the company, the importance of information security, and cloud computing. And this incessant forward movement also encourages us to look for new business opportunities with many different clients (datacenters and telecommunication companies) or solution development adapted to new ways of delivering technology (tablets and mobile devices).
Professionalism is a vital part of our success, which is why we encourage constant internal training in each area, sales process optimization meant to ensure above par quality standards, and the most dynamic product and service transactions of the industry. Our operational efficiency is what sets us apart from other companies because of our swift delivery system and our online platform, used for monitoring transactions and making them thoroughly safe and transparent. This represents a significant competitive edge.
Our quest for innovation lays the foundation which holds up our business model. Our internal systems work on the latest available versions of the same products we distribute. In order to stay in touch with our clients, we use a powerful e-commerce platform for order processing and tracking, as well as an online business declaration tool for greater project protection, an e-learning platform and web-run incentive programs. Innovation also supports the planning and execution of marketing programs dedicated to generate opportunities which are automatically forwarded to our resellers to increase their profit margins.