Licencias OnLine

LOL Capital Services provides financial solutions to help you boost your business. We have alternatives in all the countries where we have presence.

We know that today, the need for financing is increasingly required by the region's channels. in the region. To meet these demands, Licencias OnLine offers different alternatives to boost the business of each of its that boost the business of each of its partners in the different countries.

From LOL Capital Services we provide support to our clients, always looking for the best financial alternative for each business. financial alternative for each business.

Alternate Text

Short-term financing

We currently have short and medium-term financing alternatives with our own capital, offering payment with our own capital, offering payment terms from 30 to 180 days from invoice date from 30 to 180 days invoice date according to availability and market market in which the business is located.

Long-term financing

Through alliances with financial partners, we offer financing alternatives from financing alternatives from 180 days to 12, 18, 24 and 36 months, 18, 24 and 36 months.


We have agreements with several leading entities in the region to offer the best financing alternatives.

Dell finacial services
HP Finacial Services
IBM financial services
The Capita Corporation


Learn the information you need to analyze a long-term line of credit:

  • Member information
  • .
  • Composition of the Board of Directors
  • .
  • Income tax returns for the last three years.
  • Financial statements for the last three years, with notes and/or management reports.
  • Monto
  • Term
  • Type of product
  • .
  • Resource utilization
  • Location of disbursement
  • Guarantees
  • Principal customers
  • Suppliers
  • Current situation with banks
  • .
**There may be different requirements depending on the country, amount and payment term of the business.

Types of financing:


Invoice assignment option to factoring company in Alianza, who advances the payment term flows from the end customer, advancing the payment to the reseller as well as the purchase with OnLine Licenses.


Evaluation of leasing alternatives with and without purchase option through alliance companies, both to resellers and end customers. and end customers.

Modelos de Negocio Alternativos:

Account and Order

Facturacion desde Licencias OnLine al cliente final, abonando luego al reseller la comision por dicho negocio. Sujeto a evaluación de cliente final.

Learn about our credit policy